Cheerleading tryouts are always scary and nerve wrecking. I've personally always hated tryouts. Even though I knew if I made the team I would have to be cheering in front of a large crowd, but I just always hated the idea of actually trying out; one on one. I don't like single attention. When it came time for my tryout I would start to get real nervous and not want to do it. I didn't like the fact that all eyes would be on me. Plus, everyone gets so scared for tryouts they are bound to mess up a little bit.
During tryouts they usually ask you to do almost every type of jump; counting and all. You are asked to do splits or switch splits, which is basically just calling out a set of numbers and doing each split.. right, left, & middle to the counts. The counts are similar to "Ready set, down one out two, hold one, two, three, switch one, two, three, hold one two three, switch one two there. hold one two there, and then you go on with the counts and get up with the counts. Tryouts also requires a specific cheer that they would have taught you at an open gym. Then after all that is done is the gymnastics/skills portion of the tryout. You can either be spotted or not. Then the last might be an interview. When I was on the cheer team, for the tryouts the judges or the coaches would ask us certain questions that we would have to answer. Nerve wrecking, but HOPEFULLY worth it.
After all the hard work is done, you just have to wait for the results & hope they're good!

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