In cheer leading there are a varied set of skills required. Stunting is basically where you rise people in the air and continue to cheer. In stunting there are specific positions, such as: flyer, base(s), and back spot. These positions are pretty much self-explanatory. The flyer is usually the smallest, shortest, and/or lightest of the group. The base are two people generally around the same height that stand on both sides and firmly hold the flyer's feet. Lastly, the back spot is usually the tallest person in the group. The back spot in my opinion has the most responsibility. The back spot should NEVER take their eyes off of the flyer. In case of any accidents or falls the back spot needs to be there and make sure the flyer does not fall and break her neck.
Stunting is a very dangerous skill, even if it is done with spots and is watched. Anything could go wrong.
Stunting takes a lot of time & patience in order to master the skill. It can get really frustrating, but if the team works together the job will get done.
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